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Negligent Security Attorney in Scottsdale

Helping Injured Victims Pursue Justice and Financial Compensation

In Arizona, private and public property owners have a legal requirement to maintain safe premises for legal visitors, and this includes making sure that there are adequate security measures for those who enter their premises. However, several property owners do not take adequate protective measures to protect their visitors from dangerous hazards and third-party criminal activity. When safety has not been prioritized by a property owner, an innocent person could become the victim of a mugging, assault, rape, or accident.

If you were assaulted or robbed at a store in Arizona, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the suspect who assaulted you. However, you may also be able to recover compensation from the store’s owner. Negligent security is a type of previous liability claim that allows an injured individual to sue a property owner or tenant if they were injured by a criminal act or an accident on the property.

Whether you were injured due to negligence or inadequate security in a hotel or resort, parking lot, retail store, grocery store, concert venue, or any other establishment open to the public, you have the right to hold negligent parties accountable for their actions or inactions.

You may have a valid inadequate security claim if the injury was foreseeable or could have been prevented with reasonable safety precautions. To learn more about negligent security cases and whether you have the strong makings of a lawsuit, please get in touch with our law firm.

Could Your Injuries Have Been Prevented?

Negligent security or inadequate security can result in traumatizing events. Whether you’ve been robbed in the parking lot or sexually assaulted in a hotel room, you may be eligible to seek compensation from property owners who failed to provide adequate security. To prove a negligent security case and recover financial compensation, the accident or injury must have been foreseeable in some way and that it could have been preventable had reasonable safety measures been taken.

Examples of reasonable safety measures may include the following:

  • Alarm systems and surveillance cameras are in working order.
  • Private security is watching out for patrons.
  • The locks on the doors are in working order.
  • There is adequate lighting in dark spaces.
  • Warning signs are posted near dangerous hazards.

In certain neighborhoods and buildings, it may be considered common sense that crime could occur when these safety measures are not in place. The property owners owe you a certain level of care. If they fail in their duty to provide safe premises, they may be held liable for your injuries and other losses.

What is Premises Liability Law?

Arizona property owners and tenants have a duty of care to protect lawful visitors from injuries arising from hazards on their property, including dangers represented by third parties. When an individual suffers an injury on a piece of property, the owner or the occupant may be held legally accountable for the injury and financial losses.

Negligent security claims are a type of premises liability claim in which the party responsible for the property fails in its duty to provide sufficient protection to visitors.

What Are Different Examples of Security Negligence?

Negligent security claims are among the more complicated and traumatizing premises liability claims in Arizona. To file a negligent security lawsuit against an at-fault party, it is highly recommended that you first retain professional legal representation from experienced personal injury attorneys.

Negligent security cases often include the following:

  • Altercations at resorts, sporting arenas, and other similar venues.
  • Assault or battery.
  • Carjackings.
  • Fights and physical violence in bars, nightclubs, and restaurants.
  • Gun violence.
  • Robbery and theft.
  • Sexual abuse or sexual assault.
  • Stabbings.

Common causes for negligent security incidents include a lack of sufficient lighting, broken or unlocked gates, lack of security guards on duty, missing or inactive security cameras, failure to perform adequate background checks on staff, inadequately marked emergency exits, faulty locks on doors, and inadequately trained security guards.

How to Prove Your Negligent Security Claim?

To prove your negligent security case, your lawsuit must establish the following four elements.

First, you must prove that the property owner or tenant had a legal duty to provide you with a safe environment. This applies not only to physical conditions on the property but also to dangerous activities that are reasonably foreseeable.

Second, you must prove that the property owner or tenant breached this duty of care by failing to uphold their requirement to provide a safe environment. Third, you must prove that you suffered injuries because of this breach. Lastly, you must prove that you suffered actual damages.

What Properties Should Have Adequate Safety Measures in Place?

Ideally speaking, all property, private and public, should have proper security in place to safeguard lawful visitors. Premises liability laws in Arizona apply to public, commercial, and residential areas.

Properties that should enact the proper safety measures include:

  • Apartment buildings.
  • Convenience stores.
  • Gas stations.
  • Government property.
  • Grocery stores.
  • Hotels.
  • Malls.
  • Parking lots.
  • Private residences.
  • Schools and universities.
  • Sports arenas.
  • Workplaces.
  • And more.

Can an Arizona Personal Injury Attorney Help You Maximize Your Settlement?

With a strong personal injury claim, it is possible to recover economic and non-economic damages from at-fault parties. While this financial recovery cannot undo the damage done, it is the hope that it will help ease the burden of financial concerns and other losses.

You may be entitled to the following:

  • Disfigurement, disability, or dismemberment.
  • Emotional distress and mental anguish.
  • Loss of companionship or consortium.
  • Lost enjoyment of life.
  • Lost income earning capacity.
  • Lost wages and benefits for time missed.
  • Past medical bills and future medical expenses.
  • Physical pain and suffering.
  • Physical therapy expenses.
  • Property damage.
  • Wrongful death.

In extreme cases, it may also be possible to recover punitive damages from the defendant.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Our Personal Injury Law Firm Today

There is a strict statute of limitations of two years from the date of the injury to file a lawsuit for negligent security. Do not delay contacting our law firm for legal assistance with your negligent security case. Our legal team, led by personal injury lawyer Wilson Ortiz, prides itself on providing compassionate and attentive legal counsel to our clients. Additionally, we operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t pay unless we win a settlement for your case.

Schedule your free case evaluation with our law firm by calling us at 623-294-1442.