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Rideshare Accidents, Rear-End Collisions Lawyer in Scottsdale

Fighting For Your Rights in Rear-End Rideshare Accidents

Rear-end Collisions are always frightening. More so, if they involve a rideshare vehicle because you do not control the care, the following steps can seem overwhelming and murky as a passenger involved in the accident. You need the calm and compassionate guidance of an experienced rear-end collision attorney to guide you through Arizona’s complex personal injury and traffic laws. Wilson Ortiz Law Firm has a legal representative available to answer your questions. Call us for your free consultation today at 623-294-1442.

What Should I Do After a Rear-End Rideshare Collision?

You should take immediate steps as a passenger after a rear-end collision in a rideshare vehicle to protect your rights.

  • Immediately call 911 and file an accident report with the rideshare company.
  • Call your insurance company to determine whether your policy covers you as a passenger. If you are not covered, request an email or written confirmation stating that you are not covered so you have it in print. This is vital, so there is no way for anyone to quibble with you about it later on.
  • Take pictures or videos of the scene where the accident occurred and, if possible, any damage to the vehicle you were in. If you were injured, ask someone to photograph your injuries. Having as much photographic evidence as possible is essential, as it will significantly speed up your claims process.
  • Stay as calm as you can; even though it’s natural to feel rattled at the scene of an accident, especially one you have no control over, it’s important not to panic. If you see the other person’s attorney or insurance agent, wait to speak with them until you have representation of your own available. Only talk with law enforcement or medical personnel.
  • Seek medical treatment as soon as possible, even if you feel fine. Make sure to document everything thoroughly and get complete reports of all medical visits related to the accidents. Remember that it’s not uncommon for injuries to sometimes fully develop later, so pay attention to what your body is telling you and seek treatment immediately if needed.
  • Contact us at Wilson Ortiz Law Firm. We will stand up for your rights, make your voice heard, and make sure you are fairly compensated for the pain and trauma incurred in the rear-end collision. Don’t let these accidents ruin your life. Call us today.

What Kinds of Injuries Occur in Rear-End Collisions?

Many different injuries can occur in rear-end rideshare collisions. It’s common for people to underestimate the severity of the injuries they’ve incurred. For this reason, it’s vital to seek medical treatment immediately after a rear-end collision, even if you feel ok. It is not unusual for some injuries to take a few days to develop fully. Therefore, paying attention to what your body is telling you is essential. Seek medical treatment immediately.

Some common injuries people experience in rear-end collisions are:

  • Whiplash- whiplash can happen in any accident, but it is prevalent in rear-end collisions. Whiplash is an injury that occurs when the head and neck are thrust forward violently and then abruptly thrown backward, causing the soft tissues inside the neck to become stretched and torn. Some symptoms of whiplash include headache, stiffness, pain, fatigue, and dizziness. Whiplash may not appear for hours or even days after being in the accident. So, you should know and monitor yourself for the signs of this injury and seek medical treatment if they appear.
  • Broken bones- Rear-end collisions involve more force than most people realize. Broken bones occur reasonably often in rear-end rideshare collisions. Commonly broken bones include the collarbone, arms, and ribs. Not all broken bones are immediately apparent. X-rays and other tests will help your physicians determine if you have suffered any fractures.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries- A traumatic brain injury is one of the more severe injuries that can occur in a rear-end collision. There is an extensive range of injuries which are classified as traumatic brain injuries. These can be anything from as mild as a minor concussion to severe hemorrhage or brain damage.

What Kinds of Insurance Issues Do Rear-End Rideshare Collisions Cause?

Rear-end rideshare collisions are more complex than conventional car accidents because of the different parties involved. Additionally, while insurance may cover harm suffered by ridesharing services like Uber, users must submit individual claims for injury compensation to the ridesharing company’s insurance, making the process even more overwhelming and confusing. It is designed to discourage consumers from pursuing claims. Do not let these companies rob you of your voice or your rights.

If you have been injured in a rear-end rideshare collision and are looking for someone to help you, look no further than Wilson Ortiz Law Firm. Our dedicated legal team understands how complex these cases can be and how traumatic rear-end rideshare collisions are, especially if you have been robbed of the ability to work. We will fight for you.

When Should I Call a Rear-End Rideshare Collision Lawyer?

At Wilson Ortiz Law Firm, we take time to understand your case thoroughly. We look at all the evidence and consider the legal and factual aspects of the situation. We will discuss every strategy with you to determine the best path forward for getting you the compensation you deserve. We will work diligently to provide you with the most robust legal case and determine how much you are entitled to recover from the pain and suffering you have endured. Don’t allow the trauma from a rear-end rideshare collision to control your life. Take back your voice. Call Wilson Ortiz Law Firm for your free consultation today at 623-294-1442.