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Rear-End Collision Catastrophic Injury Lawyer in Scottsdale

Advocating For You After Catastrophic Injury in Rear-End Collisions

Catastrophic injury victims suffer damage unparallel to other victims. Their injuries are usually life-changing to a degree most would not understand until they have experienced it themselves or know someone who has been through it. Catastrophic injuries typically mean a permanent disability. Victims require extensive treatments and multiple surgeries and have massive medical bills that insurance alone does not begin to cover. For catastrophic injury victims, their quality of life is drastically altered.

Many law firms claim to help personal injury victims. Still, at Wilson Ortiz Law Firm, our Catastrophic Injury lawyer is compassionate and skilled and will work with you to advocate for you or your loved one with doctors, insurance companies, law enforcement, investigators, safety engineers, and other professionals. We will help you fully understand the diagnosis and the path ahead.

We understand the trauma you are facing and the life-altering consequences of the accident you endured. We’ll advocate for you and get you the justice you deserve. Call Wilson Ortiz Law Firm at 623-294-1442 for a free consultation.

What Causes Catastrophic Injuries in Rear-End Collisions?

Many things can cause catastrophic injuries. In Arizona, one of the most common causes is rear-ended collisions in a motor vehicle, truck, or motorcycle. The force of the collision is often the cause, but as each incident is different, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause.

The most important thing to remember is to stay as calm as possible, even though it’s natural to feel rattled and unsettled during an accident, mainly when serious injury occurs. The more panicked you are, the more likely you are to exacerbate any conditions you are experiencing. Help is available. You are not alone.

What Is a Rear-End Collision?

A rear-end collision occurs when one car is moving forward and crashes violently into the back of another vehicle in front of it. Roughly 27% of all car accidents in the United States are rear-end collisions resulting in serious injuries. Unfortunately, in 2020, 6.8% of those resulted in fatalities.

What Are the Different Types of Catastrophic Injury Cases?

There are different types of catastrophic injuries a victim of a rear-end collision can suffer, such as:

  • Spinal cord injury- this is an injury that causes partial or complete paralysis, paraplegia, or quadriplegia. Damage to the spinal cord is excruciating and can cause nerve damage and a lifetime of chronic problems. There are other spinal cord injuries, such as herniated discs, dislocated vertebra, and stenosis, which are all very painful and require a lot of treatment to correct.
  • Traumatic Brain Injury- Hitting your head can cause cognitive, physical, and emotional trauma. You can suffer anything from a mild concussion to severe brain damage.
  • Loss of limb(s)- The amputation of an arm, leg, foot, hand, or any combination thereof is life-altering and will change every aspect of your existence.
  • Burn Injuries- Not often considered as commonplace injuries that occur in car accidents, they do still happen when gas ignites, and victims can’t be rescued in time or when metal is heated by impact. First, second, third, and fourth-degree burns are serious matters that cause scarring and disfigurement. These injuries require multiple skin grafts. Patients are often in severe pain and are left with lifetime trauma.
  • Wrongful Death- It is always difficult to lose loved ones, but those losses are compounded, and the grief worsens when someone’s negligence causes the tragedy. If you have lost a loved one due to a rear-end collision or after they have suffered a catastrophic injury because of such an accident, call Wilson Ortiz Law Firm. Our Legal team will be on your side from day one, advocating for your rights to get you the compensation you deserve for the trauma you or your loved one have endured. We understand the complexity of Arizona’s catastrophic injury laws and can help you navigate the road ahead.

How Do Catastrophic Injuries Occur in Rear-End Collisions?

Studies have shown that most often, the reason that catastrophic injuries occur in rear-end collisions is because the victim didn’t have enough time to react to the impending crash before the injuries occurred. Most often, the spine didn’t have enough time to stabilize and protect itself from severe harm. When this happens, we often see the types of injuries previously discussed.

There is no sure-fire way to prevent negligent behavior in other drivers. The only thing you can do to protect yourself when traveling in your vehicle is always to wear your seatbelt and ensure you are driving at safe speeds. Stay aware of your surroundings and pay attention to other drivers.

When Should I Call A Catastrophic Injury Attorney?

Too Many People wait until the insurance company has denied their claims to seek help. Their policies usually only cover a tiny portion of the treatment required for these types of injuries, and families and caregivers are often too exhausted to fight them. Others accept the settlements the insurance companies initially offer without questioning whether or not it is fair considering the life-long pain and suffering that they are now facing due to their catastrophic injury. We understand these challenges at Wilson Ortiz Law Firm and will help guide you past them. We believe that victims of catastrophic injury deserve our complete protection and attention, and our empathetic lawyers will work hard on your behalf.

Be proactive. Reclaim your life. Don’t let your injuries rob you or your loved ones of your sense of self. At Wilson Ortiz Law Firm, we will help you stand firm again. We advocate for you. Call us at 623-294-1442. Let us be your voice.